All free paths, resources, exercises and direct to help you and start from scratch.
DISCOVER MORE."I've always had one focus: structuring my business to allow me to stop working forever, go into 'pre-retirement' to enjoy life and really live as I've always dreamed, free to spend my days with my family, read a book or paint on canvas at sunset and help those who didn't have my opportunities. I have made all my skills available for you to do that too."
Veronica Medda
MV Group CEO, Investor, Visionary and Drafter, Mentor, Startup Business Accelerator, Publisher and Author, Lecturer and MBA Management
Multi-company entrepreneur and CEO of MV Group
Start-up Investor and Business Angel
Strategic advisor for large companies that want to make the transnational leap and open new offices abroad easily and safely
Founder of the School of Exponential Business©
Creator of as many as 47 protocols for turning business into royalty income on an international scale
Lecturer Management
Speaker in corporate realities
Editor for Young Talent and Author
Veronica Medda is the CEO of MV Group, founder of the School of Exponential Business©, creator of no less than 47 protocols for turning business into royalty income. Author of 'How to Turnover to 7 Zeros in Coaching,' 'Turnover to 8 Figures in Coaching: How to Create Abundance without Appearance,' and 'Perfect Love: The Exponential Love Recipe. Veronica Medda is a multi-company entrepreneur who has worked in a variety of industries who built her portfolio of more than 7,000 clients from scratch, now managing a professional pool of 49 people working from all over the world. A lecturer in Management for Young Guys, she teaches the art of being a Business Accelerator through coaching with 30,000 hours of practice under her belt. She is a certified NLP Coach at Bandler's school and has opened a School to certify future change coaches. In addition, thanks to her second doctorate in High Finance and Manipulation of the Gold and Diamond Markets and several Master's degrees in International Taxation, she is now a Consultant for large companies that want to make the transnational leap and open new overseas offices easily and safely.
She also became an Editor looking for new talent in the market, opening her own independent Publishing House.
I have been fortunate to know many consultants and entrepreneurs in my life, but the human and professional skills I have found in Veronica are beyond compare. If you need to chart a clear and viable path to achieve your personal and entrepreneurial goals with her at the helm it will certainly be challenging, but it will be an adventurous journey full of every good to a certain destination. Thank you for helping our group grow and find its focus.
Marketing Manager
Veronica is an atypical coach, if we consider the quality that is out there. It's one thing to say that "the client should be helped, not forced," it's another to apply the rule at the drop of a hat. Here, Veronica applies and gives everything she knows to her clients, never sparing herself. Professional, in the true sense of the word. Prepared, attentive, helpful to those she notices really need her help: in a word, tireless. She works carefully, genuinely listening to her client's needs, and once she accepts the assignment, she has only one goal, which she conquers skillfully and before the deadline: to achieve the goal of those in front of her within the set time.
Business Coach and Risk Management
The term that comes to me most pointedly is "Life Artist." Veronica manages to give you the best in every situation and because of this she allows those who rely on her to take the best and grow at an amazing speed. Not only on the corporate and business side but also on the human side. A true Artist. Relying on Her means being in safe and welcoming hands to grow exponentially.
Accountant and Entrepreneur
Veronica has a keen entrepreneurial sensibility and vision. She invests her energy and high skills for client success. Methodical and clear she leads you step by step and uncovers potential you never thought you had.
Thank you Veronica, it is an immense pleasure to have met you.
Cosulente technical quality High Fashion
Discover The School of Exponential Business® where Veronica reveals the Method that has enabled her to travel freely around the world and live in five empowering dwellings, devote her time to the Animal Foundation, invest as a Business Angel on valuable projects, develop a Circle of Excellence for top professionals and entrepreneurs who transform around the world, support a community of Powerful Women, and invest in the education and future of young people!
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Million Editions contain secrets and strategies for an abundant life.
Use these books to improve your life.
Million is not just a unit of measurement.
Transform millions of lives by impacting their futures and bill in the 7-figure range by changing your own life, you can. In Million Editions you will understand that what is behind a number is actually a business that allows you to impact people exponentially and change your life itself in "exponential" in all areas. You will find the ultimate guide to starting your own 7-figure business, developing your academy and leading it to transform millions of lives through successful protocol.
If I give the same winning strategy to two people, the one who has read my books always performs better. Those who follow me and have results know this and always tell me: 'the credit goes to the books.
"From the books I understood that I was self-sabotaging without knowing it, that I was doing everything right but in the wrong order, and that, above all, I was looking for money for money's sake, without a real spiritual goal. Once I understood, this goal, I magically started making more money." My books should be read in succession, not skipped out of eagerness to get there. They are written very simply, and explain a step-by-step method to improve the quality of one's life, from finances to family, from love to business. All of the concepts are based on scientific research, statistics, international pathways and master's degrees I have attended, and decades of personal experience, mine and my students'. If you have read at least one, please let me know in a message how you found it, what things stood out to you the most, and whether it helped you in your everyday life.
Coming up this season
The Code: One Million Code. The shocking truth to bill your first million. Discover how to read the answers in the reality codes you've always had right under your nose.
Watch the latest interview
In the latest interview you will find the ultimate solution to managing your time. Veronica reveals the strategy that has enabled her to work only two months a year and manage creativity, leisure and recreation in a completely innovative way.
Business Pills
Check out business pills and full videos of live broadcasts on the YouTube Channel on hot topics of the moment. Business solutions created specifically to scale your business quickly!
Veronica's blog
The space dedicated to analyze the market, business trends, mindset secrets and cope with the great epochal change. With innovative approach Veronica looks at market evolution from another point of view to offer interesting insights and solutions to professionals and entrepreneurs.
Telegram Channel
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- Welcome series with one of my free eBooks on prosperity and abundance
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Enter the Circle of Excellence
We all need a Mentor to help us navigate, stay on track and gain proven skills to thrive in today's uncertain times. Let Veronica be your guide to mindset, marketing, momentum and "next level" success with monthly LIVE training within her inner circle of Circle of Excellence!
The only environment for Professionals and Entrepreneurs who wish to expand their business and become the benchmarks of their industry by becoming Market Leaders in a very short time. Today, more than ever, the world is really going fast. It is very important to gain great speed in your business so that you are not overwhelmed by your competitors!
Collaborate with Veronica to save innocent lives
Over the past few years Veronica with the help of her staff and fantastic people volunteering all over Italy have donated over 700 blankets and meals to animal shelters in need. And the great news is that she is just getting started! If you would like to learn more about how you can help and join our team, please contact us.
We are gearing up to create an Oasis of Refuge.
We are planning an incredible organization with the goal of giving love, family and a home to abandoned animals. Just this year Veronica and her staff have been planning international meetings in an effort to accelerate that goal. If you would like to learn more about how you can help and join our team, please contact us.
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